Fit for the exam
Our success rates say it all: more than 90% in German, French, English, Italian and Spanish diplomas, even if they are difficult. Successful exam results are the rule if they have been prepared with inlingua.
Reach the language level you need and then practise for the exam with inlingua.
We want to ensure that you feel well prepared and ready on the day of your exam. Therefore, we offer various support materials which clarify the exam process for you and prepare you for the day. We inform you about the exam form, the grading criteria and the exam process. Mock tests allow you to experience the exam in advance.
To follow a diploma course, you need a lot of discipline and work: we will plan this together with you and will accompany you along the way.
Which diploma?
Personal consultation
Arrange a free personal consultation with us or request a no-obligation offer.
We look forward to hearing from you!